Course Title Safety Performance Indicators (SPIs)

As part of your Safety Management System (SMS), Safety Performance Indicators (SPIs) are key to safety performance monitoring and measurement. SPIs are data-driven tools that enable your aviation organization to have a continuous picture of safety processes and trends. SPIs are tools used to achieve an Acceptable Level of Safety (ALoS). This course provides the attendee with the knowledge and tools to effectively develop, implement, and use SPIs as part of your organization's safety assurance processes and as part of your overall SMS. Remember...If you can't measure it, you can't manage it! 

Who Should Attend Safety/quality managers or any person interested in gaining knowledge of SPIs 
Duration 12.0 hrs. (2 days)
Time 9:00am-4:00pm daily (includes a one hour break for lunch)
  • Course Slides
  • Handouts
  • Certificate of Training
  • Safety Performance Monitoring and Measurement 
  • Regulatory Requirements (Including What to Expect With Performance-Based Audits and Risk-Based Oversight by Your CAA)
  • SPI Development Process
  • SPIs and Safety Culture
  • SPI Data Management 
  • SPI Gap Analysis 
  • SPI Exercise 


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